SusanSez NYC Walkabouts
Here are our most frequently asked questions. Don't see the answer you're looking for? Email Susan by clicking here.
Where do we meet Susan?
Meeting sites can be found with your confirmation email. All tours begin at or near subway stations. Most tours do not end where they began.
Some tours have special instructions, so please review the information on the confirmation email carefully. Susan is happy to provide directions to subways, local sites or back to the meeting point at the end of the tour.
Where can I find directions?
Information on meeting sites can be found in your confirmation email. To get directions to the meeting site, visit mta.info or hopstop.com.  The footer on this website has some other helpful links.
How to recognize Susan?
You can see Susan's photo by clicking here.
"Walkabout" Pace
We generally walk for about 2.5 to 3 hours at a leisurely pace for 1 – 2 miles. Some tours may require traveling on public transportation. See our footer below for helpful links to help you plan your NY tour.
What about inclement weather?
Susan generally presents tours rain or shine. If there is inclement weather, please call 917-509-3111 or email [email protected] after 9 a.m., to confirm our schedule. SusanSez reserves the right to cancel tours in the event of potentially dangerous weather.
What is the availablity of restrooms?
If you can, please use the restroom before we meet.
Can I bring my child and stroller?
With some exceptions like the Chocolate Paradise tour, SusanSez offers family friendly tours that run at leisurely pace. Most streets are large enough to accommodate strollers. You may have to fold up the stroller in some small shops.
Is there wheelchair accesibility?
Wheelchairs are not recommended due to narrow sidewalks, traffic and seasonal weather conditions. SusanSez cannot guarantee that all curbs will have ADA compliant ramps and does not provide wheelchairs. If you require special accommodations, please contact Susan at [email protected].
Are we able to bring pets?
Susan generally presents tours rain or shine. If there is inclement weather, please call 917-509-3111 or email [email protected] after 9 a.m., to confirm our schedule. SusanSez reserves the right to cancel tours in the event of potentially dangerous weather.
Is smoking allowed on the tour?
Please refrain from smoking during your SusanSez tour. If you must smoke, please step away far enough that no one is affected.
What is your policy on cellphones?
Please turn ringers and alerts to silent mode or turn them off so as not to disturb others on the tour.
Do I need to tip at the end of the tour?
Gratuities are not necessary but always appreciated.
Can I leave a review?
Reviews for SusanSez NY Tours can be found on yelp.com and trip advisor.  Susan loves to hear back and encourages you to provide honest and fair assessments of her tours.
Where to Stay in NYC?
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